

Location: Phnom Penh, Battambang, and Siem Reap- Cambodia
Ministry Partner: Rapha International, Center for Global Impact, & Global Partners (Brown’s)
Date: 12 Days in May, June, or July
Team Leader: TBD
Trip Focus: We work with ministries fighting various aspects of Human Trafficking. We will support the staff of these ministries and learn the good, difficult work they invest in every day. We also support discipleship and church planting through the ministry of Alex and Sreymao Brown.

Registration Timeline: September 1, 2024  - January 19, 2025
If you would like to donate to the trip, click here.

Estimated* Cost: $3,000-$4,000
Includes: Lodging, supplies, international insurance
Does Not Include: Passport fees and vaccinations.
*Airfare is subject to change until flights are ticketed.

Trip Documents:
Complete GO! Mission Trip Application
GO! Support Raising Guide - learn about fundraising policies and ideas to get you started.
GO! Sample Trip Support Letter to send to family and friends.
GO! Donor Support Form accompanies support letters and donors submit with their donations for tax-deductible purposes.

Questions? Contact