The Prayer Room

The 24/7 prayer movement may be over, but we know God's not done bringing revival.

Your engagement with the Prayer Room has been incredible! We've seen students worshipping together at 6am before school, parents leading their kids through prayer and engaging the Scriptures, entire life groups coming together to pray over one another.

Because of this, we've decided to keep the Prayer Room open through the remainder of the Revival sermon series, ending June 2. Unbroken, 24/7 prayer is no longer the goal, and instead, this space will continue to be available for guided prayer.

The Prayer Room will be open at the following times:

    Monday - Wednesday: 8am-9pm
    Thursday: 8am-5pm
    Sunday: 8am-1pm

If you'd like to visit the Prayer Room at another time, please email your request to

Prayer Walk Guides

The power of prayer cannot be overstated. These practical prayer walk guides are designed to guide and assist you in praying over essential parts of our community - local schools, your own neighborhood, and the city of Indianapolis as a whole. Pray individually, as a life group, or include your kids! 

Share Your Prayer Walk Experience